Maharishai Effect

This subject has always fascinated me and recently I have come to experience first hand the phenomenal power of collective group meditation.

Being in a room of about a thousand people all meditating at the same time is an indescribable feeling of positive emotion.

In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. This phenomenon was first noticed in 1974 and reported in a paper published in 1976. Here, the finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average.

So my thinking is ….Can this be done here locally? If I got a group of people here together all meditating with the same clear intention would this have a positive effect on our local community?

It’s worth a try surely.?..

Just putting it out there

Have a good day…

Love to you all x

Looking Beyond Fear

You may or may not have noticed I haven’t posted anything on here for a long time and the only honest answer I have for that is ….

Fear has been stopping me

F- false

E- evidence

A- appearing

R- real

Fear of being rejected

Fear of being laughed at

Fear of people talking about me

Fear of exposure

Fear of social media

Fear of lack of control

Fear of perfection

Fear of getting it wrong

I know fear makes me feel I want to hide, makes me shut down, not want to try, not want to engage. Fear leads to anxiety, anxiety being the brain looking for worst-case scenario, the brain over thinking.

But brain…is that true? Where’s the evidence for that?

We are in control of our brain… your brain is like an unruly child, if left unattended with a box of matches and a bottle of vodka all hell lets loose!!!

It natters and screams if doesn’t get its own way, whines if it has to do something it doesn’t want to do, stamps it feet in defiance and goes off in a strop…

What I am learning is if I look at my fear, break it down, and ask myself the question…. is that true?

It could be it, could not be…

What are you going to do let your child run the show?

I know when I have stepped forward and faced a fear I have been pleasantly surprised on the fact I felt proud of myself and it has lead to new and exciting things.

What are you afraid to do today?

What’s stopping you?

What small step could you do today towards facing that?

Today my step was posting this

Love to you

Follow Your Bliss

If you follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while,
waiting for you,
and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.
Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.
In other words, if you do things you are passionate about, you’ll feel fully alive and doors will open up for you


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Tuesday Tune

Music is a massive factor in my life. It helps so much for lifting up my vibration. Of cause music can also have the opposite effect can’t it. We all have that tune that takes us back to a time, and we instantly feel those same emotions again. This is why have a playlist that if i need to be brought instantly up I stick it on and off I go dancing around the lounge.

This song is one of those for me, and thanks to my beautiful friend it is new to my repertoire of uplifters. This is the one I stick on when i’m tired after a long difficult night shift and I have only had 3 hours sleep, it never fails to have me dancing around the house.

Enjoy my lovelies x

Monday Meditation

Take a breath this morning

The dog can wait

The dishes will still be there in 5 mins

Write your worries down and put them to one side

It will be ok

You’ve got this

Love to you all x

Wordless Wednesday, with Wayne Dyer. — The Ministry of Loves

I thought I would let Wayne do the talking today in a 101 ways. I love everything he has done, but I thought this would be a great start. With Love X

Wordless Wednesday, with Wayne Dyer. — The Ministry of Loves

Bring Your Gifts To The World

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Bring your gifts to the world

Everyone has something to offer today

You have a gift

A gift of kindness

A gift of a smile

A gift of listening

A gift of a helping hand

When you look at another human being today ask yourself

How can I help you today?

Self Care Practices for Good days and Bad Days — From Be Inspired..!!

My beautiful friend is new to this wordpress world, please show her a wordpress welcome and take a look at her fab blog…. so interesting and great playlists x

The Ministry of Loves

Be Inspired..!!

Your body sends constant signals, telling you what’s good for you and what’s not working. It has an inner guidance system that tries to get you to pay attention to any adjustments you need to make in your life. For example, your headache and tense shoulders may be a sign of an unresolved issue that’s causing you distress.Inconvenient as they are, these pains are your allies, begging you to look up and see what’s not working in your life. It’s easy to become too busy and ignore any discomfort in our bodies until it becomes worse. Don’t ignore potentially important messages from your body!

Here are some of the self care practices for good days:

  1. Meditate
  2. Practice Yoga
  3. Declutter your closet
  4. Write a list of things you love about yourself.
  5. Practice Gratitude
  6. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  7. Practice positive affirmations
  8. Walk in nature
  9. Stargaze
  10. . Exfoliate and moisture your…

View original post 82 more words

Monday Meditation

In the morning before you pickup your phone, check your emails, get the kids ready, switch the telly on, scroll on Facebook and all the other morning habits you have performed over time, take a moment to gather your thoughts.

What are you thankful and grateful for?

What lovely and kinds words can you say to yourself?

How are you today going to react to anything negative that could come your way?

Are there any steps you are going to do today towards your bliss?

This video I find very helpful to have playing in the background whilst I gather my morning thoughts. It plays whilst I have my shower and get ready for work. It sets my thoughts right and stops any negative self talk.

Give it go x

Peace — Inspire Someone Today, Wonderful Wayne Dyer quote. — The Ministry of Loves

Just the beginning of my Wayne Dyer sharing. He is, for me, one of the greatest translators of the Tao de ching in modern day. He is compassionate, human, unpretentious, and has a way of making it crystal clear to all, which is surely the whole point. Dimistifying all with his bright, kind and real manner. […]

Peace — Inspire Someone Today, Wonderful Wayne Dyer quote. — The Ministry of Loves

Soul Sunday – Gratitude


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Being in the attitude of gratitude.

An instant mood lifter.

Practice as soon you wake and as you close your eyes to sleep.

What are you thankful for right now? Look around your space…

I’m thankful for my beautiful dog laid on the floor next to me, who brings me joy, love and comfort. I’m grateful for the bed I’m sat in it’s soft, warm and comforting and holds me whilst I’m sleeping. I’m grateful that I have a home to live in that shelters me and keeps me warm. I’m thankful for my warm cup of tea. I’m grateful I can hear the birds singing outside my room.

My list can go on, but you get the idea.

It helps to start writing them down, your own private gratitude journal because the physical acts of thinking it, saying it, writing it and seeing it involves more of your senses so affirms it in your subconsciousness.

Give it a go

It’s easy

You can do it

Have a good day x

Soul Sunday – The Path Of Least Resistance

What do I mean by taking the path of least resistance.

Life is full of making decisions, some small day to day, others life changing.

Some like wanting to start your own business, change jobs, leave relationships, move house, those kind of biggies.

Have you noticed that some things just seem an up hill battle, things get lost in the post, people don’t get back to you so you are chasing, plans fall through, you run out of money, whilst some things just seem to pan out smoothly, everything dropping into place, the right people appear, it happens quickly and that’s the path that’s meant to be, the path you are being guided down, the path of least resistance.

What’s going on for you right now that you feel is just wearing you out, it’s not happening but you keep pushing forward one step but two steps back?

Sometimes it’s just ok to let go of that idea, give yourself time and notice what’s naturally coming your way.

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Welcome Home

Having arrived home, every breath we take is an expression of our lives purpose

We no longer struggle to win, to gain the approval of others,

To meet expectations others had for us

To acquire, to achieve, this o hoard, or to fulfil someone else view of our Darma

We let go of conflict, certainty, being right, fighting, dominating, vanquishing, and feeling superior, all of this ego stuff looses its power and attraction

Where we arrive home

Where meaning and purpose welcomes us

We are home

from our home is where we begin

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Soul Sunday – My Bliss

We all have or did have until life too over, an activity that we get completely lost in, where the time just flies because we are so engrossed in what we are doing.

I call this being in my bliss.

Mine is sewing, in particular quilting. I can get lost for hours. I stick my music up loud, play songs I can sing to and boom, I am happy.

Above is a new project I started this week and this pattern is called the disappearing nine patch. What I love about this pattern it looks really complicated but actually it is simple to do, just a little time consuming.

What is your bliss?

What did you really used to enjoy doing but you don’t do now?

Do you need to rediscover it?

What Are You Grateful For Today?

Happiness is gratitude

I have been practicing this a lot lately.

If I notice my thoughts starting to sink into the pity party and crack out the party poppers, I say, either out loud if I’m alone or in my head…


What are you grateful for today?

Then I start reeling out the answers.

Try it…. it will help!

This is a classic meditation by the amazing Louise Hay…. I love this meditation, really helps me focus on being grateful for all the small things we take for granted.

Love to you all x

Wordless Wednesday – Sunrise

Today is going to be a beautiful day!

Monday Meditation

This meditation is so uplifting, enjoy!

Have a good week x

Monday Meditation

I see the light in you…

The thing I love about this meditation are the words are so beautiful, a fantastic meditation for self love and acceptance.

Daily habits

Small steps everyday

Love to you all and have a good week ahead x

Soul Sunday – Angel Wings

Change the way you see things

And the things you see will change

This picture is of one of the shells I collected on one of my many beach walks…

Do you see angel wings? X

Soul Sunday

Our mind doesn’t know the way

Our heart has already been there

And our soul never left

Welcome home

Picture taken of Haytor on Dartmoor in Devon, England

Daily Affirmation

My past is nothing more than the trail I have left behind… What drives my life today is the energy I generate in each of my present moments 🦋

(Picture taken yesterday at Ness beach Shaldon Devon)

It Starts With a ‘Thought’ — Come Dance With Me Project


Dancing creating and preforming has been part of life from as early as I can remember, from performing in front of an audience at the age of 2 and a half, going to dance classes every night throughout my primary age, attending ballet school in my secondary age, dancing in London at my young adult […]

via It Starts With a ‘Thought’ — Come Dance With Me Project

Small Steps

What small steps are you going to do today towards your future goals?

Small steps everyday!

Love to you all x

Not So Wordless Wednesday – I Am Here – Free Writing


Talking to my inner peace, my space to take it all in, into my conscious mind

My physical body resting, peaceful in this place

My senses taking in the sounds around

The birds singing

The silence that isn’t silence

Humming in my ears

Whooshing of my heart

Softness of my breath

Clock ticking the fake time away

The now of just being here in this space

Taking notice of the way my physical body feels

The tightness across my lower back

Pressure on my tummy

The ache of my eye

Throbbing of feet

This all in my physical being that in this time I inhabit

Which is an instrument I can use how I will

Thoughts pinging here to there

I can be lead, let it me be guided for the better, learning, feeling

Being guided by an energy, a force that already knows

It is here to guide me

I am here to listen

Take note

For it is right

It knows what this ‘being’ is here to do

To teach

To guide

To help

To learn

I just let it be and it will come to my physical thought

My consciousness

It is right

It is all right

The energy has lead me to this point of now

I am guided

I am that

I am now

You Are Enough ❤️

Set it as a reminder on your phone!

Write it in your mirror!

Put it in your fridge!

Remind yourself….

You are enough

Love to you all x

The Ness, Devon, England

Took the hairy boy for a walk on the beach yesterday. Just beautiful!!

I’m very lucky that I live in a very lovely part of my country, Devon. This is Ness beach, which is in Shaldon near Teignmouth. The pictures where taken on the beach and then I walked along the coastal path, and looked down on the beach.

I love going to the beach just to clear my head. I often go in-between night shifts because I struggle the most, physically and mentally when I’m on night shifts. To be blunt it just fucks my body up!! But I’ve become aware of that now, I began to recognise the pattern so I put plans in place to support me during those times. I think that’s the key really when you having a low time…

  1. Recognising your patterns of moods…. When do they happen? What’s triggered it? Maybe keep a mood diary for a couple mouths so you can build up a picture.
  2. Plan for those times. Do nice things that make you happy such as listen to music, take a walk, hot bath, watch your favourite programme. Be kind to yourself
  3. Except that it is going to happen, and that’s ok. You are prepared, it’s normal, and it won’t last.

As soon as I excepted the fact that when I do a run of night shifts I’m going to feel tired, I’m going to feel low, I’m probably going to cry, I just felt better and did not stress myself out worrying why I was feeling like this.

Hope this helps.

Love to you all x

Surrey Sunset

Changing skies.

Like an oil painting isn’t it.

As the sun sets the colours change.

I feel there’s a book title in there somewhere!!


It’s amazing isn’t it that when you look at a picture what pops up in your head.

My beautiful dearest friend sent me these pictures of her walk the other evening.

Love to you x

#Wordlesswednesday – Moment Of Peace

Today I just want you to do one thing…

Take a moment,

Sit down,

Deep breath in,

Then out.

Press play on this video



Just let your mind wonder

At the moment I am listening to the audiobook Instrumental by James Rhodes

I, unfortunately can relate to James way too much, but like him music saves my life on a daily basis. without it I would not be here in this life. I was introduced to James by Richard Reed – If you just tell you one thing

I would highly recommend a listen or a read!

Love to you all x

Throwback Thursday 02/22/13 – WPC: Forward

As I have had this blog for a few years now, i thought it would be nice to revisit some old blog posts!

I posted this when I was still teaching, which profession I left 4 years ago now, and to be honest at times I miss. I miss the kids, the creativity, the fun. To be fair I can’t promise I won’t go back to it in some way in the future……

I wonder what these are up to now? Happy I hope….


The reason I chose this picture for this weeks challenge, is this picture was taken while on my last school trip with last years year six class. And I felt this picture was very poignant because these two boys had been best friends all the way from nursery, all the way though ups and downs of their primary life, both of them being sometimes a little challenging in their behaviour but just boys stuff, one of them having what I call ‘the swagger’ they where both lovely boys with great senses of humours, I loved them them to bits like they where my own. We had been though laughter, dressing up in dresses, hitting me accidentally with a cricket ball, cheeky comments and tears together.

I think this picture matches the theme ‘forward’ well, because here for just this moment they are both looking out to the lake, knowing that soon their lives will be changing and moving forward to separate secondary schools and this friendship will change. It does make me shed a tear.

Love to you all x

Wordless Wednesday – Warmth

I feel we all need a bit of warmth, sunshine, glow and radiance on this cold, wet, windy January morning!

Love to you all x

What do you need more of in your life?

Good question…

At this moment, whilst I’m sat at work, watching the seconds to the end of my short break, and before I face another persons personal drama, as I hear the rain splashing on the toad outside, and the rattles from the building as the wind picks up again…

Sun… yes the warm, comforting, glow of the sun…. yes that will do right now!

Love to you all x